Towering Pines Blog
Reunion Rap 2015
I realize that I am a little late posting this, but as we all know, December is always a crazy month no matter how hard we try not to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays! Many of you are probably spending this time with family and friends, so I feel that it is appropriate to update you all on the friends who gathered in Northbrook for the annual camp reunion last month. If we were not able to connect with you at this event, please feel free to share your news with us for a future post!
Each camper shared his activities when not in school, fun trips this year, and a lesson learned at camp that has been used at home or school:
Ben K: football, visit Grandparents, importance of friendships
Calvin F: soccer/friends, Florida, “cabin clean-up” at my house
Henri M: Hero Clicks, Spain, teamwork is better than doing it by yourself
George M: acting, Spain, teamwork to get things done
James E: hang out with friends, Mexico, always have a positive mindset
Alex E: hang out with friends, Mexico/New York, believe in yourself
Leo N: YouTube, eat your veggies
Ray D: music/basketball/baseball, Colorado/Mexico, give everybody respect
Mitch F: soccer, Florida, how to survive in the wilderness
Luke N: Boy Scouts/drums, Florida/cave in the mountains, how to prepare and start a fire
Thomas K: baseball, Florida, be nice to everybody
Chris W: play outside, Florida, be nice to other people
James: writing, Disney, be nice to other people