Monthly Archives:July 2009
Wednesday 7/15/09
Week three and camp is still going strong. Campers began their new schedule of activities on Monday, and are continuing their evening workshops. Today cabins 11 and 12 (Seneca and Apache) are spending the day at the ropes course, where they will participate in team building and leadership activities and complete a series of obstacle course challenges. Tomorrow is the departure of the famous Explorer’s North trip on Lake Superior. The select few campers attending the trip are all very […]
Cabin 11 takes first overnight trip
Last night was the summer’s first overnight canoe trip, and cabin 11 was the lucky group selected to go. After quiet hour, the boys and their counselors packed up their camping gear and paddled across Lake Nakomis to a secluded campsite next to Clam Bay. From staking their tents to making s’mores around the campfire, the boys had a blast working together and getting to know each other on this trip. Throughout the next few weeks each cabin will have […]
En Español
Queridos papás, Durante los últimos 65 años, Towering Pines ha ofrecido a niños detodo el mundo la experiencia inolvidable de vivir seis semanasrodeados de amigos y familiares en un campamento de verano. Sin duda,empezar uno nuevo representa una gran aventura para todos nosotros.Finalmente, el camión llegó de Chicago y nos trajo un nuevo grupo decampers de todo el mundo. Algunas son caras nuevas, pero otrassimplemente expresan una gran felicidad al sentirse bienvenidos unavez más. Desempacar fue tan solo el principio, […]
July 3, 2009
Alas, the sun has finally come out and camp is now in full swing! After several days of dealing with cooler than average conditions, campers were able to appreciate the warmth and beauty of a regular summer day at camp. Campers enjoyed swimming and skiing on Lake Nokomis. On Clear Lake the skin divers have begun their excursions as well. The kids are all ecstatic with this positive turn of the tides, and look forward to the beautiful days we […]
June 29, 2009
It took us awhile to figure out the posting system for this year…but we’re back with a blog. Stay tuned for periodic updates from our counselors.Summer has begun!!!Since the campers arrived on Saturday, they’ve been busy becoming acclimated to the camp environment and getting to know their counselors and cabin-mates. Among the activities that took place during this time was camp orientation on Sunday morning. This consisted of a tour briefly visiting each activity area and a friendly introduction of […]