Monthly Archives:July 2017

Taking Aim!!!

Posted by on July 29, 2017

This week we are taking aim at the Target Sports program at Camp Towering Pines.  Archery, Riflery and Trap are popular activities at camp – there are 11 total classes offered for 3rd sign-up!  If we head up to the range, these individual sports provide opportunities for many skills to be practiced and developed beyond shooting either a bow and gun. Archery is about focus and consistency.  Archers pick a point down range and focus their aim and then work […]

Learning tolerance . . .

Posted by on July 28, 2017

I saw something at camp a few days ago that really impacted me.  It was one of those moments where you stop, look back and think to yourself, “Did that really just happen?”  At first I kept walking and, honestly, didn’t think too much of it.  But then over the next hour, the image just continued to invade my thoughts, and I came to the realization that I had witnessed something BIG, not in size, but in meaning. I happened […]

All Children are Artists

Posted by on July 22, 2017

“All children are artists.  The problem is how to remain an artist once they grow up.” -Pablo Picasso This week we would like to put the spotlight on the Arts program at Towering Pines.  Many campers choose Arts & Crafts or TP Players (drama) as activity choices throughout the summer.  If we go “behind the scenes” of these activities, there are many skills learned that will propel them forward and help them be successful in life! In the Towering Pines arts program, […]

Respect . . .

Posted by on July 20, 2017

As we are almost finished with Week 4 of camp, the campers as well as counselors have settled into the routines of camp.  Most campers have now reached a level of trust with their cabin mates as well as their cabin counselors and with the instructors in their activities.  The “honeymoon” phase is over, relationships are being built and friendships are developing.  The “magic” of camp is beginning to happen as the boys spread their wings, try new things and challenge […]


Comfort is great and all, but sometimes a little discomfort can be good, too. Perhaps I should explain some. Getting out of our comfort zone is where a lot of important growth occurs. The third week is challenge week at camp. We’ve unified and begun building our community; this makes a great environment for the boys to challenge themselves! The third week of camp can be a challenge on its own, honestly. It always seems to be around that time […]