Monthly Archives:July 2018

“Arguing is part of the process” and other Leadership Lessons

Posted by on July 21, 2018

“Arguing is part of the process” and other Leadership Lessons The Men of Seneca (C11) and Apache CITs (C12) recently went to a nearby Ropes Course to develop their teamwork and leadership skills. As the two oldest cabin groups and next generation of Towering Pines staff, it was important for these young men to begin learning how to smoothly function together a team. Led by Facilitators Dan and Mandy and supported by TP staff, the day began by having the […]

Quest Day: A fantasy-themed day of challenges!

It’s hard to believe that half of the season has already gone by! I’ve already been up here for over a month and city living is a distant memory (just the way I prefer it). I find that the periodic change of pace can really help a guy’s outlook. That’s true of the monotony of the school year, the so-called “real world,” and also at camp. Right around the third week, people tend to start slowing down a little. We’ve […]

Weekly Camper Achievements for the week of July 9 through July 15, 2018

Posted by on July 16, 2018

Weekly Camper Achievements for the week of July 9 through July 15, 2018 Chiefs of the Day This week’s recognized camp role models include: Manuel MDC Ray Deo Sammy C Paul W Pablo E Finn Van H. Perry H Congrats men, keep up the fine role modeling. Weekly Camp Special Event New in 2018!!  Quest Day – This fun new camp event included Lords, a “Lady,” and maybe a Knave or two. In the end, the 4 Kingdoms banded together […]

Searching for the Mother Lode . . . . as told by a Camp Mom

Posted by on July 13, 2018

Ahhhhh .  .  .  .  back in the north woods again.  How I have missed the smell of the White Pine, the fresh air, the sound of the waves hitting the docks and mosquitoes buzzing in my ear.  But what I have missed most of all is the sound of chatter and laughter resonating through these woods.  Hearing the boys’ voices as they converse at meal time, as they play games while waiting for assembly and as they boisterously sing […]

Searching for the Mother Lode….as told by a Camp Dad

Posted by on July 13, 2018

Camp is a magical place! Filled with friends!! New experiences!!! Delightful memories, blah, blah blah… Yaaawwwnnnn. Sorry, you were saying something Mr. Boring Camp Guy? I dozed off in the middle of your pontificating. Ah, I do go on, don’t I?  But camp really is a cool place for kids to spend a summer. And there is a dark side, but you wouldn’t be interested in hearing about that. No, no, yes I would! I am honor-bound to warn you […]