Monthly Archives:November 2021

“Gratitude for Camp Abounds”

As Thanksgiving approaches, I am reminded of a recurring theme that was woven throughout the fabric of weeks we shared together at camp in the Summer of 2021.  I heard the same word reverberated among campers, counselors, kitchen staff, leadership and parents.  The word, as you may have guessed, is . . .  “gratitude.” The summer began with gratitude because we were able to have camp once again.  This gratitude continued to grow throughout the weeks because of the plethora […]

Cabin 3 . . . let’s make a difference!!

As I see trick-or-treaters out in costume, knocking on doors, thinking about buckets being filled with all kinds of sugary sweet goodness, I’m reminded of how wonderful it is to “give” as well as it is to receive.  Sometimes “giving” presents itself in many ways, and often times we don’t realize the impact our positive words and actions may have on others. Camp provides so many opportunities for the counselors, staff and campers to share their gifts with those around […]