Monthly Archives:December 2023
Traditions . . . Deeply Rooted in Camp and the Holidays
The one consistent message that alumni, campers, parents, leadership, and staff share when they talk about “camp” is the recurring theme of tradition. The traditions of camp are long-standing and deep-rooted. These traditions are passed on from generation to generation, and they far exceed the trends and latest gadgets that so often come and go. These are woven into everything we do at Towering Pines, and they are one of the significant reasons that campers and counselors come back […]
A Gift Guide for Your TP Boys
We love the Holiday season for all the reasons you might expect: spending time with friends and family, enjoying traditions old and new, the anticipation of the first snowfall of the year and all of the activities that come along with it. Presents are always a big part of the festivities. We care about these, because to us, they are more than just “stuff.” When we gift generously and thoughtfully, we demonstrate our love for other peoples’ joy. In that […]