Towering Pines Blog
An “Attitude of Gratitude” from Cabin 6!!
With Thanksgiving this week, we’d like to express an Attitude of Gratitude for all of our camp family. This is the perfect time to thank our wonderful camp families for sharing their children with us each summer at Towering Pines!! We’d also like to take the opportunity to thank our counselors and staff for sharing their time and talents each summer so that we can create experiences for the campers that are both memorable and impactful. The gift that keeps on giving is when a child’s life is touched in such a way that a ripple effect is set into motion. They begin to involve themselves in meaningful ways that also influence the lives of others positively.
It’s our pleasure to be able to share with your children the amazing opportunities that camp can provide. There are incredible relationships that develop at camp, some of which last many years and even a lifetime — another tremendous gift for which we are thankful!! At Towering Pines we create a caring community that fosters growth through purposeful play. We believe every child deserves a place to discover who they want to be in the world. In some of their “Best Moments,” Cabin 6, Cheyenne, shared some of these memorable and lasting experiences, times when they were able to shine and what they are thankful for from the Summer of 2019.
How did you SHINE this summer?
Rodri: Hanging out with friends.
Julian: I learned a lot this summer.
Sammy: Sailing the most.
Colin: I did good in fishing, riflery and my other activities.
Leo: I had fun.
Kaleb: I tried a lot of new things.
Eli: Passing to 40 yards.
Rodrigo: I got to hang out with a lot of friends I hadn’t seen. I did my best at many activities so I could get awards. I never got mad or upset with anyone. I enjoyed every minute!!!
When were you at your best this summer?
Rodri: I was my best at skin diving.
Julian: I was probably my best during a period of free-swim.
Sammy: I was at my best when I was doing a good job of listening.
Colin: When I got “Chief of the Day!”
Leo: I think I was my best at TP Players.
Kaleb: When I was laughing with friends.
Eli: I was my best during TP Fair.
Rodrigo: I was my best the last three weeks of camp.
Describe a CHANGE you noticed in yourself while at camp.
Rodri: My English is better.
Julian: I’ve changed a lot since I first came to camp, and one of these things is maturity.
Sammy: N/A
Colin: I am reading more.
Leo: More talkative.
Kaleb: I became more comfortable in the cabin and with camp life.
Eli: Better at riflery and archery and much better at swimming.
Rodrigo: That I don’t have to be someone I don’t want to be. As long as I’m with my friends, and I’m doing whatever I want to do, I will be happy.
What lessons were learned from something CHALLENGING?
Rodri: Using English more was challenging.
Julian: I’ve learned not to be clingy or obsessed with someone in the cabin.
Sammy: To not mess around in TP Players.
Colin: Don’t get too excited in fishing. (You don’t want to scare the fish!!)
Leo: Practicing for the TP Players play.
Kaleb: To be in a new place and learn new things.
Eli: Not jerking my arm in archery and correcting my freestyle in instructional swim.
Rodrigo: That you can do whatever you tell yourself you can do.
What is something you are THANKFUL for this summer?
Rodri: My counselors.
Julian: All of the hard work the staff did this summer. Thank you!
Sammy: To get my crew because of my hard work.
Colin: All of the great activities and the counselors.
Leo: The counselors.
Kaleb: Meeting some new friends.
Eli: Getting to 40 yards and getting to Level 5.
Rodrigo: For having the opportunity to be here again as my last year as a camper/CIT. It’s something I will never forget. Camp Towering Pines will always be in my heart!!
Thanks, Cabin 6!! And remember — an Attitude of Gratitude can be contagious so share yours with others this Thanksgiving!!
- Mom at TP
- Leadership Staff at TP/Office Manager
- Marketing TP/Woodland
- Assistant Waterfront Director at Woodland
- Counselor at Woodland
- “This is goodnight and not goodbye.”