Category: Adventure Awaits in 1-8!
Empathy and Growth with Cabin 6!
Life can be pretty hard sometimes. Part of growing up is finding out one’s strengths and weaknesses and that isn’t always an easy process. This is one of those tasks that camp is great for: allowing a safe space for kids to try new things and grow. But as we think about our own strengths and limitations, it is also important to appreciate that there are many individuals around the world who have had even more limitations placed on them, […]
Searching for the Mother Lode….as told by a Camp Dad
Camp is a magical place! Filled with friends!! New experiences!!! Delightful memories, blah, blah blah… Yaaawwwnnnn. Sorry, you were saying something Mr. Boring Camp Guy? I dozed off in the middle of your pontificating. Ah, I do go on, don’t I? But camp really is a cool place for kids to spend a summer. And there is a dark side, but you wouldn’t be interested in hearing about that. No, no, yes I would! I am honor-bound to warn you […]
Please Don’t Pack My Cell Phone When I Head to Camp
Dear Mom, I know you have mixed feelings about me not bringing my cell phone to camp. You are used to communicating with me multiple times a day and getting messages that I forgot my lunch, soccer practice is running late, or that I have a math test tomorrow. I’m sure it will feel strange not texting or calling while I am away. Here are a few reasons why it is good for me to “unplug” while I am camp […]
It’s Easy Being Green at TP
Whenever I think of Kermit the Frog, a certain song, “It’s Not Easy Being Green,”comes to mind. While Kermit is referring to the color green in his song, I am reminded of a state of being. When you are “green” at something, it often means that you are new. There are many times in life that we are put in a new situation, whether it be changing schools, joining a sports team or club, moving to a different location, starting a new job, […]