Category: Here Comes the Sun in ’21

From Boys to Men . . .

There is something unbelievably spectacular that happens at Towering Pines Camp for Boys. It goes beyond what one would normally expect in a summer camp experience, and it’s been going on since the beginning of the camp’s inception. It’s not something you can find just anywhere (which is another reason that Camp TP is so unique!). I know you are waiting on the edge of your seats to find out what this very “important” thing is, and so I’m going […]

Nothing to Worry About

Dear Jeff, Jonathan and Will,  Ever since my son returned home from camp, he refuses to wear anything that isn’t TP green.  All he talks about is the fun he had in the Northwoods, stories about his cabin mates, and how many days there are until camp next summer. He claims that he isn’t sure what to do next without the gong ringing throughout the day to mark time. He spends hours looking at the online photos on the Towering […]

Modern Camper: Some Things Never Change

Here we are! Today is the first performance of the annual CoEd Show. One of the most anticipated days of the entire summer. The CIT’s will move up the ladder of awesomeness in the eyes of the campers. This is THE story of the summer. Every cabin is mentioned in the script and every camper and staff member will be included in the slide show finale. Inside jokes are revealed. The unique personality of each cabin group is celebrated. We […]

The Ties That Bind Us

I recently had the opportunity to be a fly on the wall for a social with the 15-yr olds from both camps. It was interesting to see the two groups come together for the 2nd time this summer. The gals from Driftwood and the guys from Cabin 11, along with their counselors, spent an hour or so of hanging out in the lodge at Woodland. While I’m pretty sure teenagers around the world normally don’t congregate to play “get-to-know-you” games […]

The Gift of Time

Posted by on July 29, 2021

Time is such an interesting phenomenon. Young kids, especially, often have a distorted view of time and can have no concept and/or easily lose track of it (both good things!). They generally know that a few minutes is shorter than a few hours or days, but that is about the extent of it. You might be familiar with the quote, “the days are long, but the years are short”. Sometimes we feel that way about camp; the days are long, […]